I-IMG Height = "1" Ububanzi = "1" Isitayela = "I-ANTRSBOCK./tr?id=1166378561090394&." /> - Ingxenye 2


  • Ngaphezu kokusetshenziswa kwayo kwamanje kuma-anode amabhethri kagesi, i-foil ye-Copper ingaba nezinye izinhlelo zokusebenza eziningana zesikhathi esizayo njengoba kuthuthukiswa ubuchwepheshe bezobuchwepheshe kanye nobuchwepheshe bebhethri. Here are some potential future uses and developments: 1. Solid-State Batteries Current Collectors and Conductive Networks...
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  • Emishini yokuxhumana yesikhathi esizayo, ukusetshenziswa kwe-foil ye-Copper kuzokhula phambili, ikakhulukazi kulezi zindawo ezilandelayo: 1. Amabhodi wesekethe aphezulu (amabhodi aphezulu okulahleka) I-Low Cost Coil Foil:
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  • I-Font Foil iya ngokuya ibaluleke kakhulu ekufakweni kwe-chip ngenxa yokusebenza kwayo kagesi, ukuqhutshwa okushisayo, ukucubungula kanye nokusebenza kwezindleko. Here is a detailed analysis of its specific applications in chip packaging: 1. Copper Wire Bonding Replacement for Gold or Aluminum W...
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  • Ukuqonda okujulile kwenqubo yokukhiqiza, izindlela, kanye nokusetshenziswa kwe-Folip Foil ephathwe ngemuva kwangemuva - izinzuzo ezihlukile ze-foil ye-copper yensimbi ye-CENER Metic

    Ukuqonda okujulile kwenqubo yokukhiqiza, izindlela, kanye nokusetshenziswa kwe-Folip Foil ephathwe ngemuva kwangemuva - izinzuzo ezihlukile ze-foil ye-copper yensimbi ye-CENER Metic

    I. Sibutsetelo se-post foil ye-post yephathwe ngemuva kwangemva kokuphathwa nge-foil yethuli ephathwe kwi-foil yethusi ebhekana nezinqubo ezengeziwe zokwelashwa ukuze zithuthukise izakhiwo ezithile, okwenza kube lulungele izinhlelo ezihlukene. This type of copper foil is widely used in electronics, electrical, communicati...
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  • Amandla asheshayo kanye nokugcwala kwe-foil yethusi kuyizinkomba ezimbili ezibalulekile zempahla engokwenyama, futhi kunobudlelwano obuthile phakathi kwabo, okuthinta ngqo ikhwalithi nokwethenjwa kwe-foil yethuli. Tensile strength refers to the ability of copper foil to resist tensile fract...
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  • I-Copper Foil - Izinto ezibalulekile kubuchwepheshe be-5G nezinzuzo zako

    I-Copper Foil - Izinto ezibalulekile kubuchwepheshe be-5G nezinzuzo zako

    Ngokuthuthuka okusheshayo kobuchwepheshe be-5G, kunesidingo esandayo sezinto zokusebenza okuphezulu. I-Folip Foil, esebenza ngokuthi "uhlelo lwezinzwa" lokusayina ngogesi kanye nokudluliselwa kwamandla, kubalulekile kubuchwepheshe bokuxhumana kwe-5G. This article will explore the role of copper ...
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  • The annealing process of copper foil is an important step in the production of copper foil. Kubandakanya ukufudumeza i-foil ye-Copper kumazinga okushisa athile, ukumbamba isikhathi esithile, bese kulipholisa ukuthuthukisa ukwakheka kwe-crystal kanye nezakhiwo ze-foil ye-topper. The main purpose of annealing ...
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  • I. Sibutsetelo nomlando wokuthuthuka kweFlexible Copper Clad Laminate (FCCL) Flexible Copper Clad Laminate Laminate (FCCL) iyinto ehlanganiswe ne-foil substrate eguquguqukayo neyokhonkolo, ihlanganiswe ndawonye ngezinqubo ezithile. FCCL was first introduced in the 1960s, initially used primarily ...
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  • Umehluko phakathi kweCopper Foil neCopper Strip!

    Umehluko phakathi kweCopper Foil neCopper Strip!

    I-Copper Foil kanye ne-Copper Trip yizinhlobo ezimbili ezahlukene zezinto zethusi, ikakhulukazi ezihlukaniswe ngobukhulu bawo kanye nezicelo zabo. Here are their main differences: Copper Foil Thickness: Copper foil is typically very thin, with a thickness ranging from 0.01 mm to 0.1 mm. Flexibility: Due to its ...
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  • I-Civen Metal yinkampani egxile ocwaningweni nasekukhiqizweni kwezinto zokwakha zensimbi eziphezulu, kanye nezinto zayo zokuhola zibonisa izinzuzo ezibalulekile ekwenziweni kwamafreyimu aholayo kwaCemonductor kanye nezakhi ze-elekthronikhi. The choice of lead frame material is crucial for ...
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  • Ukubaluleka kwe-Ra Copper Foil ku-Energy Court BMS entsha kanye nezinzuzo ezihlukile ze-Inen Metal ngentuthuko eqhubekayo yezobuchwepheshe obusha, isidingo samabhethri okusebenza ngamandla, nezinye izinkambu ziyanda ....
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  • Ukuvikelwa okusebenzayo okusebenzayo

    Ukuvikelwa okusebenzayo okusebenzayo

    Ukuvikelwa okusebenzayo okusebenzayo Copper foil tape, due to its excellent antibacterial and antivir...
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